Best of ASCO 2018 Annual Meeting

Best of ASCO 2018 Annual Meeting

Our 32nd Best of ASCO Annual Meeting is happening this October. This Annual Convention is to be held across Wednesday, the 10th of October until Friday, the 12th of October (10/10/18 – 10/12/18). This year’s event will be held at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel, Mandaluyong City. You can download the registration form here For any further…

What To Say To A Loved One Who Has Cancer

It is difficult to understand what a cancer patient is going through. Knowing the right things to say to a patient about their illness can be tricky, especially given that many people haven’t had the experience of having cancer themselves.“When someone you love is dealing with something like cancer, there’s a feeling of helplessness,” says Katelyn MacDougall, LICSW, who is a social worker at Dana-Farber’s Young Adult Program. “We try to say things we think will make it feel better, but nothing we say is going to make cancer better; patients just want to know that people are supporting them.”

How Exercise Helps Combat Cancer Fatigue

One of the most common complaints among cancer patients and survivors is the chronic fatigue that the experience after treatment, known as Cancer Fatigue. Typically, this type of weariness occurs either during the chemo treatment or within the first year afterward. It is particularly difficult to handle because it can last for long periods of time, and isn’t even alleviated after sleep or rest. The good news is that a considerable body of research is finding that, cancer patients who exercise regularly report feeling less tired overall.

How To Treat Nausea and Vomiting Induced By Chemo?

One of the most significant concerns among patients during chemotherapy is nausea and vomiting that is associated with it. However, thanks to progressive developments in anti-nausea medications and a better understanding of how to use them, many patients will not have to experience these distressing symptoms, perhaps only mild discomfort. But “despite these gains, there are still patients who break through our existing therapies,” says Bridget Fowler Scullion, PharmD, a pharmacist in Dana Farber’s Adult Palliative Care Program. Fowler is the primary author of Dana Farber’s guidelines for treating chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV).