• Registrant Information

  • Membership Type

  • The Abot Kamay Ako at ang PSMO (AKAP): Barangay Health Worker (BHW) Training and Workshop is an online educational course that covers multiple cancer sites. The training modules include lecture video sessions that is expected to equip barangay health care workers with knowledge on cancer awareness and prevention.

    This platform includes lecture videos and are available as recorded sessions. These may be viewed by the participants at the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology (PSMO) Microsite which can be accessed at events.psmo.org.ph.

    Our Service
    The Barangay Health Worker (BHW) Training and Workshop online educational course is managed by the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology (PSMO) and hosts online learning courses on cancer awareness and prevention that enrolls BHWs nationwide on a given course schedule.

    The courses offered are self-paced but has a given time for completion of the course and its requirements. Certificates are made available after the modules have been participated and completed. Pre- and post-test evaluation should also be accomplished prior to certificate generation.

    User Accounts
    All BHW users are enrolled as Allied Medical Professionals and must register with the following information:

    • Name
    • Address
    • Contact number
    • Email
    • ID number

    All users shall provide accurate information about him/herself, create only one account, and shall not share his or her password or give access to other unauthorized individuals on his/her account.

    Updating of Terms
    As we improve on our services and develop new learning courses, registered participants will be notified through their email addresses for changes and updates on these terms and conditions and give them the opportunity to review and decide whether he/she shall continue on using the platform. If in case that he/she shall not agree to any of the provisions in the updated terms and conditions, he/she may discontinue using the platform and shall request to disable account by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].

    Account Suspension
    Account suspension happens when a participant breaches platform guidelines. If multiple accounts were registered under the same name, we shall suspend or permanently disable access to the account. When an account is disabled, the participant will not be able to access his/her account but all information collected during the registration and usage records shall be stored in the PSMO Microsite platform.

    Data Policy
    To gain full access to all features offered in the platform, the participant’s information shall be processed. Information is collected when the participant registers and analyze them for purposes such as checking participant’s progress on modules which can be used to generate certificates, generating reports to measure the access of the program, and communicating with the participants to respond to their inquiries and to update on the terms and conditions. These pieces of information will help develop action plans to improve the platform and offer additional features in the future.

    In terms of module content, no part of module workshop may be recorded or distributed without the permission of PSMO.

    Contact Details
    For inquiries, please contact module provider officer by email at [email protected] or [email protected].

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Once submitted, please wait for the email access approval 1-2 days from the time of submission from [email protected] with the subject title: Best Practices and Safety in Cancer. Nursing Care and Management.

If there are any concerns, do email us at [email protected] with the subject title: Best Practices and Safety in Cancer. Nursing Care and Management. December 7, 2023.