Health Research For The Naked Eye: Visual Abstract Contest

On its second year, the Visual Abstract Contest will be conducted by the Philippine Society for Medical Oncology in partnership with Merck launches the Visual Abstract Contest. This project aims to increase cancer awareness among Filipinos through visually informative abstracts. In this way, research outputs from peer-reviewed journals and research-driven cancer centers are translated to…


PSMO Annual Convention Program and Registration Details

Download and read the PSMO Annual Convention Final Program 2019. Instructions for Registration for Annual Convention: Payment thru Bank Deposit: Print and accomplish this registration form (Download here). Registration rates included in the form. Deposit registration fee/other dues at BPI Savings Account Name: Philippine Society of Medical Oncology (BPI-St. Luke’s) Account No: 3891-0030-55 Send photocopy/screenshot…


ESMO Asia Congress 2019

The fifth edition of the ESMO Asia Congress, taking place once again at the vibrant Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre, gathers the most experienced international experts to present a comprehensive, regional approach to multidisciplinary oncology. ESMO offers an ideal platform for science, ensuring that the best of modern oncology advances is applied to the…
